Palms Trax

Palms Trax

For aspir­ing DJs and pro­duc­ers, or indeed any­one who appre­ci­ates a good sto­ry, the gen­e­sis of Palms Trax couldn’t have read any dreami­er. You know the one; curi­ous yet naïve son of the Eng­lish Riv­iera lands a job at one of London’s lead­ing record stores and dis­cov­ers the mas­ters of Chica­go house and Detroit tech­no. Lat­er, stum­bling around Berlin, his prim­i­tive attempts to emu­late the sound of his new­found heroes acci­den­tal­ly land him a bona fide dance floor hit. A grad­ual but steady stream of EPs cour­tesy of Dutch dance music pow­er­house Dek­man­tel have allowed his pro­duc­tions to blos­som in rich­er, smoother direc­tions.

Sound und Info zu Palms Trax:
